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La Double vie de Véronique
7,5 48 706
7,5 10 1 48706
6,8 22
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American Ending

ocenił(a) film na 9

W ciekawostkach jest napisane, że Kieślowski zrobił drugie zakończenie dla Amerykanów. Czy ktoś wie, gdzie je można obejrzeć?


wg IMDB:
"The American version features a different ending: in the original, Véronique drives to the house where her father is still living and pauses outside to touch a tree. He realizes that she's outside and raises his head from the bench where he's working. The American version features one minute of additional footage showing the father stepping outside the house, calling his daughter, and Véronique running into his arms. Kieslowski shot the additional sequences after the film's premiere at the New York Film Festival in 1991 at the insistence of Harvey Weinstein, who at the time was president of the film's US distributor, Miramax films."


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ocenił(a) film na 9

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