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Piła IV

Saw IV
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Piła IV
powrót do forum filmu Piła IV

"All the time hyenas choke me now.
And they electrocute my stomach and heart, so I have to lie in the fetal position.
The US hires them for one reason, they have psychopathic brains.They are terrorists with no higher feelings.
Sick people, more automatons than people.Criminals (after WWII) were simply hanged for "work" that this devil is now doing.Torturing the "devil"
reminds me a bit of the rape of a rapist.Normal people don't torture people. If they don't punish the monsters their countries, if they don't punish the monsters with prison, if THEY don't punish the devils, then I will take justice into own hands. "


You are not "USA", you are the cancer that affects this country. To the blackmailers from my country, do you want to justify crimes against humanity by "Arthur"?
A crime against humanity, you are criminals. Do you understand the qualifications of your actions?

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