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Das Experiment
7,4 40 509
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powrót do forum filmu Eksperyment

"They woke me up after 2 hours of sleep, now they suffocate me and hurt my heart with pain. They cause migraine and pain in my feet."


Same thing again, awakening and torture.
It has been going on for 4 years.

SOMEONE reports "People are often very stupid, many of them are not very intelligent monsters. He has no idea what they are doing. Wait ."

I hope the monsters never need my help.


"Everyones worried about stopping terrorism. Well, theres really an easy way: Stop participating in it."


"THEY tell the vermin once again that if they see my life is in danger (and that helping people is at stake) THEY will make vermin crippled. As they said, no one will die this time."

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