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Groźne kłamstwa

Dangerous Lies
5,3 12 143
5,3 10 1 12143
2,0 2
oceny krytyków
Groźne kłamstwa
powrót do forum filmu Groźne kłamstwa

Komentarz z imdb. Zdecydowanie się pod nim podpisuje. Ocenę zawyzam, żeby zneutralizowac glupote dorosłych "krytyków filmowych". Smutni, zgorzkniali ludzie, których już bardzo niewiele w życiu satysfakcjonuje.. smutne.

"I'm not sure what people expect anymore? It's like nothing is good enough. Was this a masterpiece that I will watch over and over? No. Was it a good way to kill an hour and a half? Yes.

The movie was enjoyable enough. Not everything has to be blockbuster material to be good. And those criticizing the acting? I'm not sure what movie you watched, but the acting was just fine.

Was the story super original? Nah. Who care? It's an escape from reality for an hour and half. People need to chill. I'm starting to think that a lot of the reviews on here are just from bitter people who don't like anything.

Check it out and decide for yourself. You can always turn it off if it doesn't grab you in the first 20-30 minutes."

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