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Kto zabił Kurta Cobaina

Soaked In Bleach
6,9 630
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Kto zabił Kurta Cobaina
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Nie wiem czy to widziałeś/aś ale najnowsza informacja jest taka:

Just want to let everyone know that SIB is in the final stretches. We've been powering through editorial and we're extremely happy with how the film is turning out. We look forward to sharing the finished film with Tom and all of our friends, cast and crew in late October/early November to get their reactions, and the rest of you (hopefully) not too long after that at a theater near you. It's been eight months since we finished our main shoot, and four months since our additional photography in May. While that might seem like a long time in the regular world, it's but the blink of an eye in the world of filmmaking and post production! Thank you to everyone for their continued enthusiasm and support for SIB. We can't wait for you all to see it.

Pochodzi ona ze strony na Facebook'u, na razie trzeba czekać na dalsze informacje ;(, miejmy nadzieję, że będzie w Polsce ;).

ocenił(a) film na 9

Już nie mogę się doczekać...

ocenił(a) film na 7

11 czerwca ma być premiera http://www.indiewire.com/article/watch-trailer-for-the-other-kurt-cobain-documen tary-soaked-in-bleach-offers-a-different-take-20150513

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