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Fragment wywiadu Z Boe (http://www.indiewire.com/peop le/people_040910boe.html)

Może trochę wyjaśnić:
Tylko bez próśb o tłumaczenie, bo bym nie ździerżył :)
Generalnie miłość jest tworem artystycznej iluzji, kreacji, w którą tutaj zamieszani są dwai artyści - pisarz i fotograf.

iW: In the film, there's an interesting play between August the writer who creates something imaginary, and Alex the photographer who creates images-though we don't see him at work. Could you comment on the contrast between those two worlds?

CB: To me both are ways of approaching love but from an artistic distance. But they both get into trouble because the love that they have created is an artistic illusion, which makes it difficult for them to connect with life. As a writer I made August older and more reflective.... In a way, the script was based on a French photographer I admire very much, Jacques Henri Lartigue.

iW: What photo specifically?

CB: A photo of his wife standing in a room. It's cropped very horizontally -- it's like scope plus two. A woman in a very wide simple space with a lot of empty bookcases. Looking at that picture, I immediately felt I wanted to do a story about a man who comes home and his apartment has disappeared. And I knew it had to be a love story.

iW: Go on.

CB: Obviously there had to be a woman, and that woman had to be a key element of him having a new position in life -- he's coming from something, and going to a new place.

iW: Oh, metaphorically.

CB: Yes. That led to the two women aspect of the story. So the new woman had to be a decision-making point for him.... The idea that everybody is involved in the story and somebody seems to have more control than anybody else-that idea evolved with the script.

Now that you've thoroughly explored the subject in four films, do you want to move on?

CB: Definitely. The young males in my films create an identity through their own love obsessions. Because they have fallen in love, not so much with a girl as much as a picture they have created in themselves of a girl, the perfect woman. And falling in love with your own creation, to me is very much about my own love of the cinema and the cinema as a very voyeuristic medium. The next movie will be a science fiction movie.

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