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Super tata

Big Daddy
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Super tata
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"What do u doinn'?Shopin,leve him alone! Microsoft went 3 points down"-rocks.Albo:
"Hey Frankestein show me that thing what I what I showed u yesterday...That one thouch the ground,that one touch the ground..."Hahahaha that movie rocks!!


Sonny: Julian, what do you want?
Julian: Thirty packets of ketchup

Layla: So two guys you were best friends with in law school fell in love with each other?
Sonny: Yeah.
Layla: Is that strange for you?
Sonny: Uh, nothing changed really. They watch a different kind of porno now.

Vanessa: He has a five year plan.
Sonny: What is it? "Don't die"?


Julian: Kangaroo's song!
Sonny: All right!! - kocham ten jego krzyk ^^

Jak sikali:
Sonny: What's your name? I'll write it on the wall.

W MC "Czy ktoś może dać temu dziecku happy meal?!"

Albo cała scenka jak nadawał mu imie:
Sonny: Jakbyś chciał sie nazywać?
Julian: ... Frankenstain!
Sonny: Frankenstain? Dobra bedziesz Frankenstain. Co robisz Frankenstain? Chcesz sie pobawić w kałuży?

Kocham ten film ^^


Vanessa: He has a five year plan.
Sonny: What is it? "Don't die"?

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