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...Sergey Bodrov Jr. znany z DANILY w obu czesciach 'BRATA'. Zginal On i wielu innych ludzi z planu filmowego zmasakrowani przez lawine sniezna... OGLADAJAC TEN FILM PRZYPOMNIJCIE SOBIE O TYM CO PISALEM...

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Nieodżałowany Siergiej Bodrow zginął podczas zdjęć do filmu "Łącznik" (The Messenger). nie "Wojny".

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Bzdury wygadujesz i tyle... Nawet na filmwebie potwierdzaja moje zdanie ze BODROV JR. zginal na planie tego filmu podczas lawiny snieznej...

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"Zaginął 20 sierpnia 2002 r. w Osetii Północnej podczas kręcenia filmu Łącznik w Przełęczy Karmadońskiej na skutek zejścia lawiny. "

O filmie "Wojna": "The shooting of Balabanov's movie War began in the spring of 2001. Bodrov had a role of short duration (he played captain Medvedev). Opening night was in 2002. The movie got the "Golden Rose" award at the Kinotavr festival and Bodrov received the Nika Award for the best supporting role."

"In July 2002, Bodrov settled down to shoot his second film, with the working title The Messenger. He characterized the movie in the following words:

Philosophic-mystical parable about the life of two friends. They are romantics, travellers and venturers. Of course there will be bandits, hostages, in general all that accompany us in life. The movie is called "The Messenger" and I'm like a coffee in a carton in it: the author of a screenplay, stage manager and performer of the leading role.

The film crew arrived in the Caucasus in September. On September 19, the scenes in a women's penal colony in Vladikavkaz where they intended to film the scenes of the main character's return from the army. At approximately 7 p.m., filming stopped due to poor lighting conditions. Then tragedy struck. According to official reports, a block of ice fell from Djimara Mountain onto the Kolka ice flow, bringing with it mud and large boulders. This mud flow covered Karmadon Ravine, where Sergey Bodrov and his crew were working. A massive search and rescue operation proved fruitless."

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Poczytaj źródła. Filmweb to ludzie, a ludzie się mylą. Zginął drugiego dnia zdjęć do "Łącznika", który tym samym nie został skończony.

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