Fred Durst

William Frederick Durst

45 ocen gry aktorskiej
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Wie ktoś może kiedy w końcu pojawi się jego nowa płyta?


Prawdopodobnie w lipcu ale z Limp Bizkit nigdy nic nie wiadomo bo plyta juz w grudniu 2009 miala wyjsc.


Wczoraj przeczytałam na angielskiej Wikipedii, że pod koniec 2010 dopiero. ;(


Mineło trochę czasu a o nowej płycie nic nie czytałem...


album sie mixuje i mam nadzieje, ze niedługo w końcu będzie płytka

"As we head towards the end of February 2011 the realities of having a completed album to expose are finally here. Through thick and thin, the Gold Cobra has slivered its way through the corporate jungle and into the studio to be mixed by Dave Schiffman. My intentions are to keep as much "polish" off of this album as possible. I have had many discussions with Dave as he's been on the cobra since the beginning and knows exactly the sound I am looking for regarding the mix. We are extremely excited to get this album into your eardrums. As some of you have noticed, we have and will take as much time as we need before putting this album out regardless of any pressure or impatience that is thrown our way. So, waste your breath if you like. Its your prerogative. --fd"


W czerwcu 2012


Utwory są już teraz dostępne na yt

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