Leon LaiI

Chit Lai

414 ocen gry aktorskiej
W 2004 roku wraz z Peterem Lamem założył firmę fonograficzną Amusic.
Ukończył Kingsway Princeton College w Londynie (Anglia, Wielka Brytania).
Wydał następujące albumy:
- 1990 r. - "Leon", "Meet in Rain";
- 1991 r. - "Will You Come Tonight", "Personal Feeling", "Its Love. Its Destiny", "Just Wanna Be Close To You";
- 1992 r. - "I Love You, OK?", "The Most Charming Person Compilation", "Accumulating All My Love", "Hope We Are Not Just Friends";
- 1993 r. - "Chateau de Reve", "Autumn Dawn", "Summer of Love", "My Other Half";
- 1994 r. - "Red Hot Fire Dance", "Destined Love", "My True Heart is Presented to You", "Stay For Me", "Love Between Sky and Earth";
- 1995 r. - "Love is Hard to Get", "Dream Chase", "Great Passion Between Sky and Earth";
- 1996 r. - "Feel", "Why Aren't You My Future", "Perhaps";
- 1997 r. - "Leon Sound", "Leons", "The World of Leon Lai", "I Love You So Much", "DNA Gone Wrong", "Disagreement of Words and Thoughts", "If";
- 1998 r. - "Longing", "If I Can See You Again", "City of Glass", "Korean Soundtrack", "I Love You Like This";
- 1999 r. - "Leon Now", "None But Me", "Never Ever", "Eyes Want to Travel";
- 2000 r. - "Leon Club Sandwich", "Hot & Cool", "You Are My Friend", "Beijing Station";
- 2001 r. - "The Red Shoes...Evolution", "Hey, "The Red Shoes";
- 2002 r. - "Leon Charged Up", "Homework";
- 2004 r. - "Leon Down", "Leaving Me Loving You";
- 2005 r. - "Love & Promises", "A Story";
- 2006 r. - "Looking";
- 2007 r. - "4 in Love";
- 2008 r. - "It's Me";
- 2010 r. - "Leon Lai New + Best Selections: Fireworks".

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