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Xena: wojownicza księżniczka

Xena: Warrior Princess
6,3 26 101
6,3 10 1 26101
Xena: wojownicza księżniczka
powrót do forum serialu Xena: wojownicza księżniczka

Nie widziałam jeszcze xenowej wersji, więc może spróbujemy?

* Każda postać zaczyna z 30 punktami.
* W jednym poście możemy "uratować" i "zabić" po jednej postaci.
* Przy "ratowanej" postaci piszemy SAVE i dodajemy 2 punkty natomiast przy "zabijanej" postaci piszemy KILL i odejmujemy 2 punkty. W chwili gdy postać uzbiera 60 punktów idzie do Hall of Fame, a gdy liczba punktów będzie wynosiła 0 wędruje do Hall of Shame.
* Gdy jakaś postać dostanie się do Hall of Fame bądź Hall of Shame następna osoba dodaje nową postać
* Głosować można raz dziennie, nie piszemy posta pod postem.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------

Xena - Lucy Lawless.................................30
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor......................30
Joxer - Ted Raimi......................................28 KILL
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings..................32 SAVE

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Eli - Timothy Omundson............................6KILL
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................52
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38 SAVE
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................24
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30
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Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Eli - Timothy Omundson............................6
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................52
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................26 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................28 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Eli - Timothy Omundson............................6
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................52
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................24 KILL
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 SAVE
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Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Eli - Timothy Omundson............................4KILL
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................52
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................24
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 SAVE
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Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison


Eli - Timothy Omundson............................4
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54 SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................24
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 KILL
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Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison

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ty masz kolowac elliego a nie herka calisto i aresa tez nie

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Eli - Timothy Omundson............................4
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................26 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................28 KILL
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Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Eli - Timothy Omundson............................2 KILL
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................26
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 SAVE
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Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison

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Dobra to wysyłam Eliego do Hall Of Shame, a na jego miejsce wskakuje Akemi. Pozwoliłem sobie też na nieznaczne zmiany w układzie tabeli, mianowicie poustawiałem postacie w takiej kolejności według której najpierw są te które są w bitwie najdłużej. :)

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................26
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................38
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Ups, odpowiedziałam na zły post, tak więc zrobię to jeszcze raz. Poza tym, śmierć Akemi!

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................26
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................40 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................28 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Heh to wyszło małe zamieszanie. ;) Czasem tak bywa, wszystko działo się w obrębie kilku minut. :P

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nwm po cogosc daje osobe ktora wystepila tylko w 2 ost odcinkach ale ok

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................26
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................26 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

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Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................54
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28 SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................24 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................56 SAVE
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................22 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................56
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................20 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................56
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................18 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................56
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................32 SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................18 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................58 SAVE
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................32
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................18
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor....................58
Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................32
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................16KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

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Wysyłam Gabryśkę do Hall of Fame, killuję Herkulesa, a na miejsce Gabby proponuję zajefajną Najarę. Czyli:

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................32
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................16
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

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Na początek małe wyjaśnienie. Wczoraj znowu nastąpiło małe zamieszanie (ja i s_w odpowiedzieliśmy na ten sam post) i w efekcie moje głosy nie zostały zaliczone. Dlatego na początek Hercules plus 2 punkty, a Akemi minus 2 punkty, a potem moje dzisiejsze głosy.

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30 KILL
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................42
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................14
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Na początek małe wyjaśnienie. Wczoraj znowu nastąpiło małe zamieszanie (ja i s_w odpowiedzieliśmy na ten sam post) i w efekcie moje głosy nie zostały zaliczone. Dlatego na początek Hercules plus 2 punkty, a Akemi minus 2 punkty, a potem moje dzisiejsze głosy.

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................44 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................14 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................32 SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30 KILL
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32 SAVE
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32 SAVE
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28 KILL
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................46
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................48 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................12
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................50SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................10KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30 SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................50
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................10
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28 KILL
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................50
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................10
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................52SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................8 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................28
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................54 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................6 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30 SAVE
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................54
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................30 KILL
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................6
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

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Tak na dłuższą metę to nie wiem czy nasze głosowania mają sens. Ty dajesz kill dla Herculesa, a save dla Aresa, a ja na odwrót i nasze głosy się wykluczają. Tak czy inaczej ja z okazji świąt odpuszczam Aresowi i daję kill dla Najary. Lubię nawet tą postać, ale cóż kogoś trzeba. Nie lubię Akemi, ale inni już ją skillowali więc nie będę jej dobijał. ;) Save natomiast pozostaje bez zmian. :)

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................54
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 SAVE
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................6
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson


Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................56 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................4 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Callisto - Hudson Leick............................58 SAVE
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................2 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

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Wysyłam Callisto do Hall Of Fame (sam ją dałem do bitwy, a do tej pory żadnego SAVE-a jej nie dałem). :) Nie wiedziałem kogo dać na jej miejsce, więc może niech będzie jej reinkarnacja czyli Livia/Eve. Akemi niech dobije ktoś inny. ;)

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Akemi - Michelle Ang................................2
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................28 KILL
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson

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Akemi (z przyjemnością) do Hall of Shame, daję Lao Ma na jej miejsce.

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30 SAVE
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............30
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................28KILL
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............32SAVE
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................30
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

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Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................28
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............32
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................28 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30 SAVE
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............30 KILL
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................28
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................30
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............32SAVE
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................26KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang


Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................32 KILL
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32 SAVE
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............32
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................26
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34 SAVE
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................32
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............32
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................24 KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................34
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................34 SAVE
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............30 KILL
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................24
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................36 SAVE
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................34
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............28 KILL
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................24
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ares - Kevin Smith.....................................30
Herkules - Kevin Sorbo............................36
Najara - Kathryn Morris.............................34
Livia/Eve - Adrienne Wilkinson...............30SAVE
Lao Ma - Jacqueline Kim.........................22KILL
------------------------------------------------------------ --

Hall of Fame:
Xena - Lucy Lawless
Aphrodite - Alexandra Tydings
Gabrielle - Renee O'Connor
Callisto - Hudson Leick

Hall of Shame:
Joxer - Ted Raimi
Perdicus - Scott Garrison
Eli - Timothy Omundson
Akemi - Michelle Ang

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