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Valhalla: Mroczny wojownik

Valhalla Rising
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Valhalla: Mroczny wojownik
powrót do forum filmu Valhalla: Mroczny wojownik

Wypowiedź reżysera nt. filmu: Well, once you get the money from the distributor, and you go away, it becomes more like...well, I have no interest in Vikings. I don't know anything about them, and I find them really stupid. So I listened to these experts talk about Vikings, and Viking ships, and it's very fascinating. And I was like, [pretends to fall asleep] "This is so geeky."

http://www.rogerebert.com/balder-and-dash/art-is-an-act-of-violence-an-interview -with-nicolas-winding-refn



ta wypowiedź reżysera też jest znacząca:
"Refn:I don't know if there are any filmmakers here, but this is HOW TO SURVIVE in the film industry.

Go to a distributor, and say, "Mads Mikkelsen, Viking, action, violence."

And they'll says, "Sure, we'll pay for that."

Then you get the money. And then you go to a really remote area where nobody wants to film.
Then you say, "OK: what would I like to do today?" "

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