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W Dolinie Elah

In the Valley of Elah
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W Dolinie Elah
powrót do forum filmu W Dolinie Elah

"In May 2004, American journalist Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker weekly revealed numerous cases of torture of prisoners by American soldiers, citing a secret report by General Antonio Taguba. The tortures included

beatings (including fatal ones),
jumping over gunshot wounds,
phosphoric acid coating,
hitting the wounded with a metal truncheon,
hitting a prisoner against a wall,
electric shock,
rushing dogs,
the so-called "Spider" - binding together (six) standing prisoners with a rope, by the genitals and pushing one of them,
binding limbs and penises with wire and then dragging them across the floor,
inserting objects into the rectum,
rapes (including minors),
urinating on prisoners, sexual humiliation, threatening with death, making them lie on one another and stand for hours in the same position with a bag over their head, etc.

In order to crush some prisoners, their family members, including underage children, were tortured."

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