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Słodkie kłamstewka

Pretty Little Liars
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Słodkie kłamstewka
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Uwaga spoiler: wyciekł scenariusz odcinków 414 - 417. Tutaj wrzucam to, co mam, więc jeżeli nie chcesz wiedzieć, co wydarzy się w kolejnych odcinkach, nie wchodź w ten temat!


The Liars in Spencer’s room. Questioning where Ali has been all this time (after they saw her in the Halloween episode). Ali is alive! “Why would she do this to us? Ali always liked games”. IS SHE –A ? Who is Ali afraid of? Shauna, Cece, board shorts?
The liars at Ali’s grave. Did she reach out to anyone besides us? Jason? Should we talk to him? No we can’t share this with anyone. Hanna has a theory. Ali isn’t in the grave but someone is, if they find out who’s in the grave and was killed that night and connect it to someone they know the whole mystery is solved. Aria: The body was identified as Ali… Hanna: It was important to somebody that we’d think it was Ali Spencer likes Hanna’s theory.
Emily and Jessica Dilaurentis in Ali’s old room. Emily asks Jessica where Jason is. She says she doesn’t know. But she says she can reach him in case of emergencies. Emily doesn’t want her to call.
Hanna in her kitchen on the computer. Searching for a missing girl around the time Ali disappeared. Ashley walks in on the phone looking for a job. But it’s hard to find a job after what happened.
Spencer, Aria and Emily walking to school. Discussing what happened in Scene 3. She’s still changing the sheets? That’s weird. And what about Jason? Toby comes up in his car. He has a romantic moment with Spencer. Spencer asks him if he found answers about his mother, but not a lot has come up. Mona drives by.


Hanna and Mona in the school hallway. Mona asks why Hanna is shutting her out again after what she did for her. Hanna: That’s just it, I don’t know if you did do it for me. And Hanna runs of.
Ezra’s class everyone is there. Ezra is talking about jekkyl and hyde. Bell rings. The liars leave. Ezra calls Aria back.
ICT class. Spencer,Emily, Hanna. Hanna has found a missing girl on the internet. She has already called the girls old friends to meet up. Suddenly a video starts playing. It’s an –A message. ALI, ALI OXEN-FREE. WHOEVER FINDS HER, GETS TO KEEP HER, KISSES –A.
Ezra and Aria in class talking about Malcolm and how wrong he was. Ezra tells her he wants to try over after she graduates.
Spencer and her dad in the kitchen. She asks him if he knows where Jason is. He doesn’t. Her dad tells her she has to stop talking to the Dilaurentises. Spencer promises to stop talking to Jason if her dad finds Jason. They have an agreement.
Hanna in her kitchen on the computer. She is trying to open the diary she took from –A’s lair in episode 412. She gets a message from the missing girl’s friend that they can meet up for coffee.
Toby and Spencer in Toby’s apartment. Toby has found prove his mother didn’t kill herself and a list with persons who knew she didn’t. Everything leads to Radley why did they wanted to cover this up?
Emily, Aria and Hanna in the brew. Hanna tells her about how the girl wants to meet up for coffee. Caleb walks in. Hanna and Caleb start kissing.
Hanna and Caleb at a private table in the brew. Talking about how Caleb has been.
Toby and Spencer at a company connected to Radley. A women walks out they want to talk to her she’s busy… until she sees it’s Toby CAVANAUGH. Suddenly she has time for them.
Emily and Hanna at a table outside with 2 girls ( friends of the missing girl) . Talking about what happened. Their friendship had a lot in common with the liars’s friendship. But then one of the girls says they saw their friend the day after labor day. Emily and Hanna are disappointed this is not the girl they are looking for. Ali disappeared on labor day.
Rosewood day street. Ezra is reading a book. Mona walks up. She says how she’s enjoining the book Jekyll and hyde. And how much better she would be in school if she found the right MENTOR.
Toby and Spencer and the women outside on the street. What do you want Mister Cavanaugh? I want everything to know my mother didn’t kill herself. The women says they don’t have any prove. Spencer tells her they don’t need any prove they just have to go on the internet and tell everyone about the cover up. The women looks like she wants to settle for an agreement.
Hanna at home calling Aria about how the dates don’t work of the missing girl. Hanna hears her mother talking in the kitchen. She walks in. Jessica Dilaurentis is there. Ashley is going to work for Jessica. Ashley walks out of the kitchen to get something.
Then Jessica tells Hanna, Alison told her to offer the job to Ashley. Hanna looks confused. Jessica tells her Alison still shows up in her dreams….


Mona and Ezra having a drink at a café in rosewood street. She’s subtly teasing him about how she may know who he actually is.
Hanna and Caleb on a bench outside. She talks about her weird convo with Jessica. Caleb tells Hanna how Ravenswood turned out to be more then he tought and he has to go back. Hanna is confused…. And hurt
Toby and Spencer in Spencers kitchen happy about their victory. Spencer’s dad walks in. Toby tells him how smart his daughter is. Her father reads the documents and tells them how they can not only get the statement of his mothers accident but how they can get radley shut down for good.
Aria walking in rosewood street. Ezra drives up to her in his car. Aria says how she’s sorry to call him like that and steps in the car. They drive off.
Emily alone at the brew. She hears weird noises. Then suddenly Claire is in front of the door ( the friend of the missing girl).
Ezra and Aria in a cabin in the woods. Ezra tells Aria about how he comes there to write and that it belongs to a friend who’s in Europe. They talk about what to do next, Aria is with Jake now. Then they kiss.
Claire and Emily in the brew. Claire tells Emily about how horrible her missing friend actually was. Emily tells her she understand how she feels. Claire says that Emily doesn’t and runs of.
Caleb and Hanna at Hanna’s home. He has packed his stuff and is ready to leave. Hanna wants to stop him. Hanna is hurt… but so is Caleb. Hanna thinks Caleb is in love with Miranda. Caleb says he isn’t but he can’t tell her what’s going on. Then he runs of. Ashley walks in on Hanna crying.
Spencer and her dad in the kitchen. Her dad is going through the documents. Spencer : Why are you so eager to close down Radley? Dad : I saw YOU in that place. I always do what’s best for my family.
Aria in the cabin looking out the window. Ezra is lying on the bed. Then he notices the rug on the ground has moved a little and a lock to a secret basement is viewable. He’s afraid of Aria seeing it…
Paige and Emily in Emily’s bedroom. Emily tells her about how Ali let her kiss her. SHE HAS TO TELL IT. To get it ouf her system for good. She tells paige about how Ali broke her heart.
Caleb in Rosewood street. Hanna is waiting by his car. They have a proper goodbye but they don’t kiss.
The Liars back at Ali’s grave. They are back to start they still don’t know who the girl in the grave is. Hanna tells the girls about the diary she found in –A’s lair. The other liars are confused, why didn’t Hanna tell them right from the start. Hanna tells them it’s because of what’s in It about all of them.
-A going in the secret cabin basement.



SCENE 1: The Liars still at Ali’s grave ( re: EPI 414 ). Spencer is going through the diary. She doesn’t recognize any of the names. Hanna tells her, Ali changed the names but the stories are about them. The girls are mad at Hanna because she kept it from them BUT they do have it now. The girls decide everyone can keep the diary for a little while to each read their own stories and then puzzle it together. Emily gets it first. INTRO VIDEO SCENE 2: Emily’s bedroom, the window is open, Emily is asleep the diary lies in her bed. Alison appears in front of the window. Ali is in Emily’s room, Emily wakes up. They have a typical cryptic Ali conversation. Emily asks who is after Ali. She doesn’t know. Then Ali notices Emily still wears her friendship bracelet. NEXT Emily wakes up, Ali’s gone. Was it a dream? The diary is still at the same place and the window IS open. But Emily is not wearing her bracelet. She goes to a box in her closet…. There it is. Emily is confused. SCENE 3: Hanna’s bedroom. Hanna is making herself ready for school. Ashley walks in, she is surprised Hanna is up, regarding what happened with Caleb . Hanna is pretending to be strong.
SCENE 4: Toby’s apartment. Spencer comes in. She’s surprised Toby’s home, he normally had an appointment with her dad…. Something came up. Spencer is happy the appointment got cancelled. But Toby wants to pursue it.
SCENE 5: ROSEWOOD HIGH PLAYGROUND. Emily is making notes in the diary. Ezra is watching her. It looks like he recognizes it and is eager to get it in his hands.
SCENE 6: ROSEWOOD HIGH HALLWAY. Spencer and Aria talking about Aria’s relationship with Ezra. It’s complicated. Spencer uncomplicates it; You like Jake but you love Ezra. SCENE 7: ROSEWOOD HIGH PLAYGROUND. Spencer and Aria go sit with Emily. Spencer asks Emily if there’s anything good in it. It’s weird. Emily has a system. All the girls will mark their own stories with a color, when they don’t know who the story is about they mark it with white. Hanna sees the girls, she doesn’t know to walk up to them.. she eventually does and everyone acts normal to her. Spencer is next to get the diary. Emily asks Hanna about Caleb
and her. Hanna confesses they broke up. The girls are in shock… Hanna doesn’t want to talk about it. She takes the diary and reads an Ali poem-clue. Aria connects the dots. It’s about the busy bee inn a place she and Ali used to go. The busy bee inn has been closed for years. But the girls think Ali might be hiding there. They plan to check it out at night. Ezra is watching them the whole time.
SCENE 8: Emily at work. There’s a note in her bag. “ I want to come home, meet me at our spot’. Emily says she has to go to her boss.


SCENE 9: Ezra’s class. Ezra is busy on his computer with headphones on. Aria comes in. Ezra is surprised when he sees her and closes his laptop. Aria says she can’t meet him tonight. Ezra says it doesn’t matter, he asks where the girls are going. Aria says they are going to a restaurant.
SCENE 10: Emily in the woods. At Ali and her’s spot. She’s waiting.
SCENE 11: Spencer at home on the phone with Toby. She hears voices in the kitchen. Jessica Dilaurentis and her dad are there. As soon as she sees Spencer, Jessica walks off. Spencer asks what’s going on. Jessica tells her she’s getting a divorce and mister Hastings is helping her with the paper work.
SCENE 12: Hanna at the brew. Travis is there too. They start talking. Cece has been spotted at a train station in Maryland. The police think someone paid Cece to kill wilden. SCENE 13: Spencer and mister hastings in the kitchen. They are fighting about Jessica. Then Spencer asks why he cancelled his appointment with Toby. He heard from Radley. Toby’s mothers death was an accident. No suicide, but no murder also.
SCENE 14: Emily still at the kissing rock. No one showed up… she leaves. The camera pans out and we see emily’s friendship bracelet lying on the kissing rock.
SCENE 15: Spencer at the brew with Jessica. Spencer tells her to stay away from her dad.
SCENE 16: NIGHT: The girls in the car on their way to the busy bee inn.
SCENE 17: Hanna’s house. Ashley and Ezra in the hallway. Ezra tells Ashley , Hanna might fail class… he says he can set up an extra work schedule for her. Ashley gets a work call… she has to take it. She walks up to the kitchen. This is exactly what Ezra hoped for…
SCENE 18: The girls still in the car going through the diary. Aria sees a story about a Suzy Clueless. Talking about a younger guy… Aria says maybe Ali didn’t meet up with and older guy maybe she met up with a younger guy.. Suddenly Hanna turns up the music volume…She knows more.
SCENE 19: Ashley still on the phone. Ezra is upstairs going through Hanna’s things. Then opening her laptop.
SCENE 20: The girls in the car. Spencer notices some pages are missing from the diary… She looks at Hanna suspiciously… Then suddenly the car engine stops working.. There they are all alone in the woods. Aria says her uncle’s (EZRA’s) cabin is nearby the girls decide to go there.
SCENE 21: Ashley’s phone call is over. She walks up to the hallway…. AND Ezra is there.
SCENE 22: The girls walking up to the cabin. Spencer and Hanna next to each other. Spencer sees her chance. ‘There’s a page missing, you think –A took it?’ … Hanna doesn’t want to talk about it. ‘ Did you take it?’. ‘No! and it’s not going to bring us closer to Ali’. The girls arrive at the cabin. They walk in. Aria quickly hides everything that leads to Ezra owning this place.
SCENE 23: We see a black man walking up to the cabin.
SCENE 24: Hanna is ready to talk… she tells the girls that the story about the younger boy is about her and… Mike.
FLASHBACK: Ali and Hanna. Ali knows she and Mike kissed and is giving Hanna a hard time but she won’t tell Aria. Typical Ali-style.
SCENE 25: Back in the cabin. Aria is not mad at Hanna. Then they start talking about Caleb. Hanna finally tells them about Miranda. Then we see the hooded person walking up to the window. The person looks at the diary on the table.
SCENE 26: Hanna and Emily outside. Hanna is calling Travis… to see if he can fix the car. They hear weird noises…
SCENE 27: Spencer and Aria in a storage room to get some blankets. Suddenly the door closes. They are locked. Aria looks through the lock… she sees the hooded person. They have to get out. They open a little window and start screaming. Hanna and Emily hear their screams. And get to the cabin to get them out. They open the door. Then they notice that
Ali’s book is gone. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door. A person is standing in front of it. They open the door scared to death. It’s Travis.
SCENE 28: Travis and Hanna in Hanna’s kitchen. Hanna wants to give him money for the drive home. He doesn’t want it… then Hanna walks outside on her terrace and starts crying..
SCENE 29: Spencer and mister hastings in the kitchen. Mister hastings is mad at spencer for talking to Jessica like that…She has to stop it !
SCENE 30: Aria on the phone with Ezra lying about how ‘great’ her night was.
SCENE 31: Aria and Emily in Emily’s bedroom they get a text. It’s a picture of the busy bee inn with a text. ‘Thanks for tip’ . Emily and Aria rush off they have to get there now!
SCENE 32: -A on a computer. On a program called remote vehicle access. So that’s why the car broke down….



SCENE 1: NIGHT , The girls driving through woods on their way to the BUSY BEE INN.
SCENE 2: The girls enter the BUSY BEE INN. It looks derelict. There.s a matrass on the floor some clothes are lying around, clothes Ali would wear. There.s a broken windowˇ¦ it looks like there was some kind of a struggle. Suddenly the door slowly closes and on the back of the door there.s an .A message. YOU.RE TOO LATE .A.
INTRO SCENE 3: Emily going in the church with a pie in her hands. She.s on the phone with Hanna they are talking about last night. Hanna thinks Ali wasn.t staying there. Emily drops of the pie at a table .bake sale.. There.s no one there. Emily hangs up. Emily goes op to the church candles. Suddenly we see black shoes entering behind her.
SCENE 4: Spencer at Toby.s apartment. Someone knocks on the door. Spencer opens the door it.s her dad. He.s surprised she.s there, she said she was at Hanna.s. He came for Toby. Finally her dad opens up to spencer about Jason. He.s in rehab. Then Toby comes down shirtless ready for a shower with spencerˇ¦Mr Hastings doesn.t really like the ideaˇ¦.ˇ±Put some pants on we have to talkˇ± SCENE 5: Aria and Ezra in Ezra.s apartment. They are making plans. Ezra says he.s going to philly but he can make dinner. Aria says she can.t tonight. Suddenly she gets a text message from Jake. CAN.T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. Ezra sees the text as well. Aria tells him she.s going to break up with him today.
SCENE 6: Spencer and Hanna in Hanna.s room. Hanna is sorting her clothes out. Ready for a new start. Spencer tries talking to her but she clearly doesn.t want to talk about Caleb.
SCENE 7: Emily still in church. She hears a creepy sound. She tries to get out through a back door but it.s locked. When she turns around Shauna is there. Shauna tells Emily she has a message from her. Emily asks .from who.. Shauna says .From Alison.. Emily think she.s lying. Shauna says the liars have to stop looking for her, it.s dangerous. They almost got her killed at the INN last night she says. Emily doesn.t believe her,if she knew Ali she wouldn.t be friends with Jenna. Shauna tells Emily she lived next to Ali.s grandma in Georgia and has known her since she was 3 years old. She says Ali sent her to Rosewood to find out who wanted to kill her and Jenna is on that listˇ¦ Emily wants her to prove she is really talking to Ali.
SCENE 8: Mr hastings and Toby at the BREW. Toby can get a sum of money from Radley. He and his father have to sign an agreement. His father already did only Toby is left to signˇ¦ SCENE 9: Aria and Jake at the material arts class. They are kissing. Jake wants to go eat
something, Aria agrees to itˇ¦ she can.t do thisˇ¦ But then she says she can.t go with him. She.s telling him about Ezra. Jake is broken.
SCENE 10: Spencer and Toby at Toby.s apartment. She.s going through the agreement. She.s questioning her father.s motives, she doesn.t think toby has to sign this.
SCENE 11: The liars in Aria.s living room. Emily leads the conversationˇ¦ informing them about Shauna. The other liars aren.t really buying the Shauna storyˇ¦ But Emily looks like she totally is.
SCENE 12: Hanna and Travis in Hanna.s hall. They are playing pool.
SCENE 13: Shauna and Emily on a bench in Rosewood. Shauna is telling Emily stories only Ali knew. Emily is totally buying it! She wants to know where Ali is. Shauna tells her Ali wants to meet her tonight! Why me ? Because you were her favorite.
SCENE 14: Hanna and Travis playing pool. Travis is teaching her. They are closeˇ¦ but nothing happens. SCENE 15: Spencer and Emily on Emily.s porch. Emily tells Spencer about what Shauna told her. Spencer doesn.t want Emily to go aloneˇ¦ She thinks Shauna is .A. Emily tells Spencer she can.t come ! The only way Ali would meet her was if she's alone.
SCENE 16: Spencer walks in to her kitchen. A cook is making dinner. It.s for her mother.s return from a business trip. Her dad.s there as well. Spencer asks him about the agreement. It.s clear he doesn.t want go in to that.
SCENE 17: Jake walking through Rosewood streets. He.s sees Ezra arguing with an unknown lady. He screams that she has really screwed up. The lady drives off. Ezra knocks on the car and screams ˇ°this isn.t overˇ±. Jake is surprised by all this aggressiveness.
SCENE 18: Hanna and Travis still playing pool it.s already dark. Travis has to go. Suddenly Hanna kisses him. Travis backs off. He tells Hanna he wants to give her a little more time. But then they start kissing again.

Niedługo będę miała więcej, wtedy wrzucę resztę.

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Mother of God. Spoilery, które ja znalazłam i wypisałam są zgodne prawie w 100%
Świetnie :D


co znaczy pool w tym kontekście ? Wszystko rozumiem oprócz tego. W sumie scenariusz ma sens ale w serialu ten sens całkowicie się zatraca. Ale wtopa z tym pamiętnikiem znowu...

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Pool to gra w bilarda :P

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Super, ale nie przeczytałem tego, wolę poczekać i obejrzeć :)


Dzięki za to wszystko :)


Wiem już, co wydarzy się w drugiej części sezonu i przeczytałam scenariusz finału. Jeżeli macie pytania, to pytajcie, postaram się na nie odpowiedzieć. Nie mogę niestety zamieścić scenariusza, bo mogę mieć problemy z tego powodu.

ocenił(a) serial na 7

To skąd masz takie treści w ogóle?


Scenariusze odcinków wyciekły od pewnej osoby z USA i akurat jestem jedną z osób, które są w grupie wtajemniczonych;)

ocenił(a) serial na 10

a mozesz na @ wyslac?:)


Nie mogę niestety. Wcześniej wrzucałam tu nawet fragmenty jak widać, ale to też już nie jest opcja. Jeżeli ktoś chce się czegoś dowiedzieć, to chętnie odpowiem.


Wszystko będzie w porządku ze Spencer i Tobym?Wiem,że toby bedzie tylko do 21 odcinka i boje sie z jakiego powodu znowu go gdzieś wyślą :(


Wyślą go do Londynu. Spoby będzie miało ciekawe sceny, dopóki Toby nie wyjedzie (m.in. kupi Spencer naszyjnik z wisiorkiem w kształcie kostki Scrabble z literką "S"). Chłopak będzie zawiedziony poczynaniami Spencer (Spencer będzie brać narkotyki i trochę jej odbije;)). Nie wyjaśnią sobie nic w tym sezonie. W finale nie wraca, także fani Spoby muszą uzbroić się w cierpliwość.


o rany, dziekuje bardzo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ale z jakiego powodu bedzie jechal do Londynu?Spencer bedzie o tym wiedziec czy Toby poprostu sie zmyje jak ostatnim razem? i to ze bedzie zawiedziony znaczy cos zlego czy bedzie ją jakos wspierał? Nie zerwą chyba?? bedzie jakas spoby love czy dalej tak zimno jak w 4a :( ? i jaki bedzie stosunek Tobyego do Alison kiedy ją zobaczy? A jaki Spencer?


Jego wyjazd nie będzie do końca wyjaśniony, chociaż można domyślić się, że to z powodu sytuacji Spencer i nacisku jej rodziców. Spencer będzie potrzebowała pomocy specjalistów. Toby zostawi jej list, chociaż nie poznamy jego treści. W praktyce chyba nadal są razem, bo w finale wraca Melissa, która mówi, że spotkała chłopaka Spencer i to Toby miał powiedzieć jej, że Spencer ma kłopoty.
Trudno o Spoby love. Spencer będzie albo na haju przez cały czas albo na głodzie, chociaż Toby będzie się starał jej pomóc, to Spencer i tak będzie okłamywać wszystkich.
Toby nie zobaczy Alison. Zobaczą ją dziewczyny w finale. Spencer będzie zmieszana, ale Alison wszystko wyjaśni i dziewczyny się zjednoczą. Najszybciej na widok Ali zareaguje Hanna, która od razu ją przytuli i u wszystkich pojawią się łzy w oczach.


1. Czy dowiemy się kto strącił Iana? I kto zabił Garreta?
2. Czy dowiemy się kto jest w grobie tak na 100%?
3. Czy postać Black Widow to ktoś kogo dobrze znamy?
4. Czy poznamy jakieś kolejne A? Oprócz Ezry?
5. Czy Jason i Noel pojawią się tylko w finale czy w więszej ilości odcinków?
6. Czy będą jakieś super emocjonujące sceny oprócz zerwania Haleba?
7. Czy wróci Lucas
8. Czy Spoby będzie cały czas takie nudne? Może nie chodzi mi o zerwanie ale w 4A nie było żadnych emocji w ich związku
Będę wdzięczna jak odpowiesz przynajmniej na kilka pytań :D


1. Tak i nie.
2. Nie.
3. BW nie pojawia się w 4B.
4. Tak.
5. Jason w 4x23, a Noel w finale.
6. Finał jest emocjonujący dla fanów przyjaźni dziewczyn. Poza tym wiele dramatycznych scen dla fanów Arii i Ezry w 4B (podobnie dla fanów Paige i Emily).
7. Nie.
8. Sytuacja będzie raczej nieciekawa dla fanów Spoby'ego. Toby wyjeżdża, Spencer ma problemy z narkotykami. Na pewno ciekawym odcinkiem będzie 4x19, gdzie zobaczymy fajną aranżację czarno-białych scen Spoby'ego.




Aha i jeszcze jedno pytanie czy to prawda że 4x24 będzie całkowiecie flashbakiem z tej nocy?


23 z 65 scen to flashbacki w finale. Nie tylko z nocy zaginięcia Ali.


fajnie :D

ocenił(a) serial na 5

z jakimi narkotykami? :D


Speedem. Jest na gazie, bo nie nadąża z nauką. Kończy się to nieciekawie. Zresztą to nie pierwszy raz, kiedy Spencer bierze.

ocenił(a) serial na 5

serjo? :O kiedy jeszcze brała? Podaj konkretny odcinek, jeśli możesz (;


Dowiemy się tego z flashbacków, m.in. była na haju w noc zaginięcia Ali.

ocenił(a) serial na 5

hah, wreszcie robi się ciekawie :> dziena :))


Czy finał wskazuje na to że będzie sezon 5 czy wręcz przeciwnie to będzie takie wielkie zakończenie, że wszystko zostanie wyjaśnione?


Na pewno będzie kolejny sezon. Mimo że dowiadujemy się sporo z flashbacków, to pojawia się bardzo dużo kolejnych pytań. Są przynajmniej 3 główne wątki, które nie będą zamknięte w finale, wręcz przeciwnie - przyniosą więcej pytań.


Mogę też potwierdzić, że w finale umiera jedna z głównych postaci. Dodatkowo, inna postać (również pierwszoplanowa) jest na krawędzi życia i śmierci;)

ocenił(a) serial na 10

jeeny napisz mi na priv kto ;d


Zrobię niedługo oddzielny temat ze spoilerami-bombami dla tych, którzy chcą znać wszystkie szczegóły. W tym temacie ludzie chyba nie spodziewają się tak szokujących wiadomości.


Co sie stanie z Ezra i Aria??


Rozstaną się na dobre jak na razie. Będzie dużo bólu i smutku. Chociaż finał przyniesie nieoczekiwane emocje.


Dlaczego się rozstaną? Jakie nieoczekiwane emocje??


Aria dowie się, że Ezra jest A. Przeżyje załamanie. Nieoczekiwane emocje w związku z wydarzeniem w finale, którego na razie wolę tu nie opisywać. Wrzucę to w temat ze spoilerami-bombami:)


Powinnaś utworzyć taki temat. Np. dla mnie to zabawy nie popsuje, a chciałbym wiedzieć kogo "odstrzelą". Chyba największy shocker byłby gdyby uśmiercili którąś z piątki dziewczyn...


Zrobię na pewno na dniach.


Ale by było gdyby Alison umarła w finale :D takiej opcji raczej nie rozważam ale to chyba by było najbardziej zdziwiające co mogli by zrobić


A tak serio to podejrzewam: Melisse, Mone, Wrena, Ezre, Paige albo któregoś z rodziców.

ocenił(a) serial na 6

czy bedzie motyw blizniaczki Ali ?




A czy pojawi się bliźniaczka kogoś innego?


Nie. Taki motyw nie pojawia się w tym sezonie. Chociaż wiele spraw pozostaje niewyjaśnionych.

ocenił(a) serial na 7

1. Czy Melissa odegra jakąś ważną rolę w finale ?
2. Czy pojawi się jakaś postać typu Red Coat, Demented Doll ?
3. Czy Jenna pojawi się w 4b ?
4. Będzie coś o Vivian Darkbloom ?
5. Czy dowiemy się czegoś więcej o Black Veil ?

Wystarczą mi odpowiedzi "tak" lub "nie" :)


1. Trudno powiedzieć, czy ważną, ponieważ nie dowiemy się o reperkusjach jej działania w finale. Powiedźmy, że średnio ważną;)
2. Tak. Nazwałabym ją: postacią widmo;)
3. Nie, chociaż będzie wyjaśnienie jej dotychczasowej roli.
4. Wzmianka.
5. Nie.

ocenił(a) serial na 7

Dziękuję ! :)
Szkoda, że nic o Lady in Black/Black Veil nie będzie.

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