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oceny krytyków
They Them
powrót do forum filmu They/Them

Movie contains all the slasher tropes, but without slasher elements. 90% of people on screen survive, almost no one gets hurt whatsoever, all kills all of screen. Calling this a horror movie is a spit in the face of genre. Furthermore 20 minutes into the movie, you know specific type of people will come out of this unharmed.
None of the characters have any personality, beside being gay. Dialogues are dull, and majority of them brings nothing to the plot. There is no tension, no gore, no thrill, terror or horror. But somehow it turns into musical at some point. I seen many bad movies, but until this point, nothing made me to make an account, to post bad review. It is not even "ha ha" bad. It's simply forgettable waste of time bad.

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