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powrót do forum filmu Trackdown


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jeśli twoje dziecko najbardziej na świecie kocha filmy, a ty najbardziej na świecie kochasz swoje dziecko, to kup mu cinema speculation - w świątyni, rozdział 11:

In Trackdown, you really want Jim Mitchum to find poor Karen Lamm, and when she dies (without them even getting another scene together) it’s tragic. Everything Mitchum does from that point on is justified. (..) If after I describe the plot of Richard Heffron’s “Trackdown” it sounds familiar, that’s because it’s a cross-between both of Paul Schrader’s screenplays, “Taxi Driver” and “Hardcore”. (..) For an initial viewing the film’s an enjoyable revengeamatic. (..) But on a second viewing it just doesn’t have enough standout scenes to go with the movie’s – admittedly entertaining – attitude. Once Betsy bites the dust, it’s hard to justify getting to the closing credits. Other than poor Karen Lamm’s journey, and Jim Mitchum’s genuine likability, the only thing anybody remembers about “Trackdown” is its one really clever action scene. (..) During the elevator shaft scene, the film finally gets to where you’ve hoped its been going all along. Unfortunately that’s as good as the films ever going to get, and it’s never going to get that good again. The film needed at least three scenes like that.

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