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Anioł zagłady

El ángel exterminador
7,6 7 426
7,6 10 1 7426
7,8 13
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Anioł zagłady
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Witam. Film oczywiście bardzo ciekawy, wielce symboliczny, tchnie kpiną i porażającym absurdem (moja ulubiona kurza łapa wystająca z torebki) i od razu widać warsztat i styl Bunuela. Ale chcę zapytać, jak rozumiecie tytuł filmu? Czy można jednoznacznie stwierdzić, co jest tytułowym aniołem zagłady? Można rozumieć owego anioła stricte w sferze poruszonej religijności w filmie, ale coś mi mówi, że nie tylko, choć póki co nie mam pomysłu co. Jak sądzicie? Pozdrawiam.

ocenił(a) film na 7

Tytuł to jak wspominał sam reżyser w Biografii, coś co dobrze się sprzeda. Interpretacja tytułu w tym przypadku nie ma więc sensu:)

ocenił(a) film na 10

okultyzm był niesamowicie modny w tamtych czasach, nie ma nic wspólnego z absurdem.

a co do tytułu to mały fragmencik :

"Like many things in Luis Buñuel’s films, the title of The Exterminating Angel (El Ángel exterminador) doesn’t make literal sense, and its origins are just as murky. The title was originally proposed by the Catholic-communist writer José Bergamin, who claimed that it derived from a passage in the Book of Revelation, which is certainly appropriate given the film’s apocalyptic overtures. The only problem is that there is no verse in Revelation that references an “exterminating angel.” There is, however, such a reference in 2 Samuel when God sends an angel to punish David by inflicting a plague on Jerusalem, but then calls him back (in English the translation is generally “the angel that destroyed the people,” but in French it is “l’ange exterminateur”--“the exterminating angel”). However, to further complicate things, Buñuel regularly gave conflicting accounts as to the title’s origins, saying at various times that it was the motto of a Spanish religious group called the Apostolics of 1828 or that it was inspired by a Valdes Leal painting of an angel scourging a penitent with a whip.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter where the title came from, which is most likely why Buñuel gave conflicting accounts. When baffled audiences at the 1962 Cannes Film Festival demanded an explanation for the film’s inexplicable events, Buñuel refused. Over the years critics have tried to offer various metaphorical, political, and symbolic explanations for what happens in the film, to imbue it with meaning that makes sense to them, but such interpretations ultimately fall apart because none of them were intended. Thus, it is probably best to view The Exterminating Angel as Buñuel’s ultimate cosmic joke against meaning itself."


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