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Dzień zagłady

Deep Impact
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I am surprised at psychopaths, because if THEY were like psychopaths, they would throw a stone 100 km in diameter at us (or 4 such stones) and finish everything at once.

There would be no war of the worlds, no rescue, no guerrilla warfare, nothing. No war because wars are fought with an opponent at least a little equal.No rescue from Holywood because that's bullshit.
Psychopaths know THEY can do it (it's a technical possibility, not the intention)

Even murdering your own countrymen to blame THEM would be irrelevant if THEY just wanted to destroy people.

So what are psychopaths counting on? What limits psychopaths? Imagination? Poor education?


No US superpower can change that. None of the thousands of atomic bombs would do anything. No marines, commandos, and other nonsense (this isn't Iraq). 50-100 km of space dust is enough and we are sitting in the blast furnace. Since they were waving 1I / ʻOumuamua at us to get our attention, they might as well have smacked it in our heads if they were psychopaths like some people.


It is even worse because if they told the truth, it is enough that THEY will leave.In such a situation, the USA is a paper tiger.

If THEY are as bad as you / the people then we are all dead, if they are better than us and they tell the truth then we are all killed by the USA.

What is your limit? Why don't you use your brains and your heart?

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