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Uczeń szatana

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"You come from America but mentally you are, with a few Poles you are a Nazi (this is THEIR sentence) You are not very intelligent, you are a psychopath, a sadist but according to THEM, you are not a hero. You react with aggression to your own fear .

"But even you should understand a few things. in a group to attack you is pointless. One of the reasons people have to teach you the power is because otherwise the "wizards" who attack you would go to hell by fours. "
That would be your self-defense and your right to defend yourself. before the beasts. The number of psychopaths does not matter because once struck, you never come back."

"You have to be strong enough to do something that you mengele will never be able to do, even if you come with a thousand friends. (You have no friends, by the way)You will not save anyone, you will not help anyone because you are weak and bad.But while you are a human beast, you also have a family that K can help, but not you."

"Incidentally, you are not, unlike your main boss, a pedophile and rapist.
(your probably only advantage) According to THEM, you do not have any authority to decide about the life and death of all people.
Especially your boss, the orange devil do not have any authority to decide about the life and death of all people."

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