Sophia Bush

Sophia Anna Bush

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You already know her well as saucy cheerleader Brooke Davis on the hit tv show "One Tree Hill" but did you happen to catch this California beauty making her mark on the big screen? Over the past two years busy Sophia Bush played October in the horror film Stay Alive, an animal-activist in the revenge comedy John Tucker Must Die and most recently co-starred in the horror adaptation The Hitcher. In the re-make Sophia plays Grace, a young woman terrorized on a road trip by a killer hitchhiker (yikes!).

We had a phone chat with Sophia recently as she was running around town catching up on some errands after a much needed vacation. We chatted about the release of The Hitcher on DVD, the last four seasons of "One Tree Hill", and her avid scrap-booking hobby. Sophia also has a message for her fans: "Don't believe everything you read on myspace!" Check it out...

TeenHollywood: Where are you calling from? Are you working on something right now?

Sophia: I'm actually running errands right now. I'm running around LA like a chicken with my head cut off. We just wrapped shooting Season 4 of "One Tree Hill" in Wilmington about two weeks ago and then I went on an 11 day road trip so I'm now getting back to my life and scrambling to look like I've been being responsible for the last week and a half.

TeenHollywood: How did you get involved with The Hitcher?

Sophia: It was one of the scripts that my agent sent me last summer and I enjoyed it immediately. All the challenges it posed really appealed to me and the team of people I'd be working with - Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form. It was an opportunity that I really wanted to take and everything fell into place and then we got Sean Bean and Zack Knighton and it turned out to be something that was almost too good to be true.

TeenHollywood: What did you find to be most challenging about the part?

Sophia: What I think was a huge thing for me and a draw was all the physicality. I really wanted to make sure that the movie felt as real as possible so I spent 5 weeks training and getting prepared everyday so I could do all my own stunts and I'm really proud to say that there are only two stunts in the movie that they wouldn't allow me to do. Generally, it's the stunt double 80% of the time and in this movie it's me 98% of the time and that was difficult but also something I am very proud of.

TeenHollywood: Did you get hurt?

Sophia: No major injuries but I definitely had a couple of battle wounds for a while after.

TeenHollywood: Things must have been so tense during shooting, what did you guys do to unwind?

Sophia: We all had a really good time, in general. It was a small cast so it was very special for us to spend time and get to know each other. I really had a ball with Zack. He and I became very good friends and Sean Bean was just such a wonderful person for both Zack and I to learn from and watch. He's just a force and quite an actor to be in the presence of.

TeenHollywood: What was your favorite scary movie growing up?

Sophia: There was definitely a point where my parent's couldn't keep me from seeing them anymore. I remember Stephen King's "It" - that wrecked all clown parties for me.

TeenHollywood: Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?

Sophia: Oh definitely not! I wouldn't have before. It's just not the way that it was when my parents were my age. Unfortunately, there isn't that ease and freedom about the country anymore and it's sad but by the same token it's just not worth it. I keep the highway patrol on speed dial and if I see somebody stranded or broken down I call it in and ask them to send an officer but that's how far I go.

TeenHollywood: Are there any particular extras, that you know of, that fans can look forward to on the DVD?

Sophia: They are keeping all of that as a surprise to all of us as well. I'm really looking forward to see what they put on. I'm curious to see if they show everybody how all of the stunts got put together. Watching our stunt team work was really one of my favorite parts of my entire job last summer. I'm hoping that the audience gets to see all of that as well. It would definitely give everybody a whole lot of respect for the people who do those jobs.

TeenHollywood: I read that you enjoy photography. What do you like to photograph the most?

Sophia: Everything really! People, places, whatever catches my eye.

TeenHollywood: Do you have an online account with all your photos for fans to see?

Sophia: No and I would really like people to know that I don't have a website or a myspace and there are definitely people out there who have these elaborate accounts set up for me who are in no way related to me. I'm definitely one who shares only with her close circle but I do share my photos with people. I tend to make these crazy scrapbooks and photo albums for my friends and my loved ones. I really think there's a lot of value in sharing memories.

TeenHollywood: On to "One Tree Hill"...What do you think has been the biggest change or growth with your character Brooke since the first season?

Sophia: What I enjoy most about Brooke is that she is relatable to any girl who's been through something or had the less than perfect childhood. We live in a society where everybody's in the fast-paced time and hyper-stressed zone and we see a lot of people pushing their issues underneath the mat as they're just go-go-going through life. Brooke did that for a long time and acted out in ways that were unhealthy for her but what's great is that, over four years, she learned that lesson herself and she learned it the hard way. Some people say to me that it's been a great example and a great comfort and that, I think, means the most to me because that's the whole reason we do our jobs. We want to give people something to relate to or something to laugh at or someone to cry with. I'm happy that Brooke was able to fulfill all of those roles as a character. It's made her very fulfilling for me to play her.

TeenHollywood: What's up next for you?

Sophia: I'm just finishing something up right now. I can't talk about it but we'll keep you posted!

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