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Star Trek: Picard
powrót do forum serialu Star Trek: Picard

Jak fani (dzisiejsi widzowie STD i STP) twórczości Gene Roddenberry mogą oglądać to rzygowisko na ekranie i określać się fanami TOS, TNG, Voyager czy DS9. Star Trek - Picard kłóci się z podstawowymi założeniami jego twórcy - ludzkości żyjącej w ksenofiliczno-komunistycznej UTOPI w DYSTOPIE rasistowsko-ksenofobiczną (co ciekawe w tej dystopii główne stanowiska zajmują kobiety, a JL jest tylko po to, aby mogły się na niego wydzierać do tego bluzgając, LOL), która zaczęła się cofać w rozwoju, aby mogła na potrzeby PP znów stać się dzieckiem "in a galaxy far, far away....".

Gene Roddenberry once said, like “Gulliver’s Travels in space.” Every episode is both a suspenseful action story and a morality tale, set out to simultaneously entertain and provide enriching thought material for the viewer via classical mythological style. Protagonism is centered around altruism, and the characters must make decisions based on those ideals. They exist in a universe free from internal conflict, disease, poverty, or hunger, set out on a galactic mission to discover and communicate with other life forms.

http://screenprism.com/insights/article/what-was-star- trek-c..."Science fiction? 

Absolutely not. Rather, real adventure in tomorrow's space. Based upon the best scientific knowledge and estimates of what our astronauts of the future may face when they move out of our own solar system and into the vastness of our galaxy. Other worlds like ours? Other peoples? What?""Why a journey into space? Because science is now learning that the infinite reaches of our universe probably teem with as much life and adventure as Earth's own oceans and continents. Our galaxy along is so incredibly vast that the most conservative mathematical odds still add up to millions of planets almost identical to our own — capable of life, even intelligence and strange new civilizations. Alien beings that will range from the fiercely primitive to the incredibly exotic intelligence which will far surpass Mankind."

"Science Fiction Thing of Past" by Gene Roddenberry"

Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms."

"I believe in humanity. We are an incredible species. We're still just a child creature, we're still being nasty to each other. And all children go through those phases. We're growing up, we're moving into adolescence now. When we grow up - man, we're going to be something!"

"The human race is a remarkable creature, one with great potential, and I hope that 'Star Trek' has helped to show us what we can be if we believe in ourselves and our abilities.


Scenarzyści/producenci STD i STP pomylili serial fantastyczno-naukowy z fantasy przy okazji niszcząc postacie tj. J.L. Picarda, czy Spocka. Takie seriale jak ten to ewidentne niszczenie zachodniej mitologii "Kill it if you have to" co po Disney Star Wars, Watchmen i nowych komiksach Marvel to już norma. Jeżeli Jar Jar Abrams to antychryst kinematografii to A. Kurtzman i D. Lindelof są jego jeźdźcami?Teraz już niema wątpliwości który kapitan "lepszy" Picard czy Kirk.

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