Starożytni kosmici
powrót do forum 4 sezonu

They choke me and electrocute my stomach. The problem is that in ancient times people understood the differences in the quality of thinking, both their own and THEY.
Not much has changed now, there are smart people but not in the American services.If there any are wise people there too, they don't make decisions.

I have a request that THEY chase the vermin, let them take the crap power they have.If THEY told the truth, maybe the people will survive. If so, it is not because of our own wisdom but, on the contrary, by overcoming our own stupidity and meanness.

The problem is also that the American services simultaneously created terrorist attacks and fought against them.
It's like the situation of a firefighter who starts a fire, puts out a fire and considers himself a "hero".

Now these "heroes" think THEY do the same. "THEY DON'T DO THE SAME"
Millennia show that THEY helped people very discreetly, they never ruled people, even if people said something else on their behalf.Their disclosure after thousands of years has a specific reason for which they warned.

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