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Czynnik ludzki

The 'Human' Factor
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Czynnik ludzki
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jeśli twoje dziecko najbardziej na świecie kocha filmy, a ty najbardziej na świecie kochasz swoje dziecko, to kup mu cinema speculation - w świątyni, rozdział 11:

Like Bronson would go after New York muggers over the death of his wife and rape of his daughter in Death Wish, George Kennedy would go after European Baader-Meinhof inspired terrorists over the death of his family in The “Human” Factor. (..) I didn’t see “Death Wish” when it was first released in ‘74 (when you’re dependent on your parents taking you to R–rated titles, some flicks get past you). It wasn’t till around ‘76, when “Death Wish” aired on The CBS Friday Night Movie that I finally saw it (the rape scene was scissored, but the rest held up rather nicely). So that makes Edward Dmytryk’s 1975’s “The ‘Human’ Factor” the first official ‘Revengeamatic’ I ever saw. I watched it with my mom and a few of her friends at a discount cinema in Hermosa Beach called The Marina 3, and a lusting for blood good time was had by all. (..) What was different about “The ‘Human’ Factor” was the roaring rampage of revenge was the whole enchilada. There wasn’t any question in the movie or its makers mind whose side the audience should be on. (..) And offering up this purifying slaughter of the wicked as the picture’s climax – a climax the whole movie has been dramatically building towards – was tremendously exciting. (..) It was one of the most thrilling and vivid connections I had ever felt between myself, the lead character on screen, and the strangers in the audience that surrounded me. We were all plugged into Kennedy’s retribution, and we all cheered in bloody unison as he blasted the bastards (especially the pretty-faced female terrorist, who acted as a decoy to all the slaughtered families). (..) Actually, Edward (“Bluebeard”) Dmytryk’s “The ‘Human’ Factor” is one of those films that looks a hell of a lot more impressive today then it probably did when it came out. It’s really a well- made action film (it was Dmytryk’s last picture, and it’s one of the best last films of a decades spanning Hollywood journeyman).