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Dwóch i pół

Two and a Half Men
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Jestem w trakcie tworzenia mojej pracy magisterskiej. Tematem który sobie wybrałem jest nieprzetłumaczalność żartów w amerykańskich sitcomach. Celem pracy będzie więc analiza wybranych odcinków pod kątem konkretnych żartów i porównanie ich z oficjalnym polskim tłumaczeniem tworzonym na zlecenie Comedy Central. Seriale jakie chciałbym przeanalizować to:

Big Bang Theory,
Two and a Half Men,
2 Broke Girls,
ewentualnie How I Met Your Mother.

W tym celu prosiłbym o waszą pomoc. Materiału mam niewiele, a czas goni niemiłosiernie. Zapewne jest wśród was przynajmniej kilka osób, które oglądają wyżej wymienione seriale w oryginalnej wersji językowej i wiedzą na czym polega humor danego serialu i zdają sobie sprawę, że jego bezpośrednie przełożenie na język polski może być problematyczne. Dlatego też prosiłbym was w miarę możliwości o podane konkretnych gagów, które ciężko byłoby bezpośrednio przełożyć na polski pod kątem różnic językowych i kulturowych w stosunku do oryginalnego dzieła.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :)

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Przykład z 2,5 men - pamietam, że ktoś na tym forum nie załapał o co chodziło (pole dancer vs. Poland :))

Jake: "She's a dancer."

Alan: "Let me guess, a pole dancer?"

Jake: "No. She's Japanese."

Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/the-fien-print/two-and-a-half-men-series-finale-recap-the- truth-about-charlie#FTumWEqBdUam2hQH.99

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Ten dialog będzie doskonały - sezon 7 2,5 men, Charlie i Alan grają w grę polegającą na wymyślaniu wyzwisk rozpoczynających się od kolejnych liter alfabetu. Poniżej wklejam cały, najlepsza jest ostatnia linijka:
You are a lush!

You are a leech!

You are a misogynist!

You are a mistake!

You are a...What are we up to?


Thank you. You are a...Necrophiliac!

She was drunk, not dead, I challenge!

Fine. You are a narcissist.

Better. You are a nancy-boy.

You are old!

You are odd...ly shaped.

[Phone rings] Hang on.

You are a parasite.

Not your turn. [Answers phone] Hello. Hey Judith what's up?...What do you mean what happened with Jake, we had a nice weekend. Well we went driving, to the movies, uh ice cream.

Quack, rectal, suckwad!

[To Charlie] I never got my P.

All you do is pee.

[To Judith] Nothing, just a little word game, exercise the brain. [To Charlie] Twit!

Turd burglar!

[To Judith] Judith, I don't know what Jake's problem is. We had a terrific weekend...Huh. [To Charlie] Jake says he doesn't wanna come here anymore.

Really why?

I don't know. [To Judith] Did he say why? Charlie and I don't bicker. I mean, no more than any other couple...of guys. [To Charlie] Right?

Right. Ooh, ooh, ooh, you are a eunuch.

That's E, not U. Learn to spell. Useless! [to Judith] I don't know what to tell you. He's a teenager, he'll get over it...Okay, okay, buh-bye. [Hangs up] Well I hope you're happy.

I haven't been happy in seven years.

For your information, I will not have been here seven years until next fall.

Oh, good, circle the date on the calender so I'll know when to hang myself.

Ha ha, very funny. Because of you, Jake doesn't wanna come here anymore.

Great, let me know what I did so I can do it to you!

You are such a...What are we up to?


Varmint! You are a varmint.

Yeah, well...you are a vagina!

You're calling me a vagina?

No, no, that's too good for you. What you are is...vagina adjacent.

ocenił(a) serial na 8

To też jest znane, z 2,5 men, ludzie polewają z tego na forach anglojęztcznych:

Jake: Hey, if girls with big boobs work at Hooters, where do girls with only one leg work at? IHOP!
Berta: That's just cruel.
Charlie: Actually, it's kinda funny. Yeah! 'Cause they got one leg, they have to hop! I hop! Tipping your waitress takes on a whole new meaning.

ocenił(a) serial na 8

To z odcinka "Who's Vod Kanockers"

Charlie: Yeah, well, I don't have to face anything I don't want to face, and I don't have to feel anything I don't want to feel, and that includes Mom's vodka knockers!

Jake: Who is this "Vod Kanockers" that you speak of?

Alan: Eat your dinner.

Jake: The name's Kanockers. Vod Kanockers


ocenił(a) serial na 8

Ten kawałek też będzie dobry, bo trudno fajnie przełożyć smoke cigarettes/smoke salmon na polski (palić papierochy/wędzić rybę nie brzmi tak fajnie jak w oryginale):

Charlie: - Come on, it's freezing out here.
Herb: - Shouldn't we put out the cigars?
Charlie: Why?
Herb: Uh, because we're not allowed to smoke in the house?
Charlie: - It's my house. We can smoke cigars, we can smoke salmon, whatever we want.

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Jeszcze przypomniał mi się odcinek z Kandi (cycata dziewczyna Alana). Tytuł odcinka :"Ergo, The Booty Call"/ Dialog jest długi, ale na potrzeby Twojego tematu pracy jak znalazł:

Kandi: -Hello? Alan, you home?
Alan: -Kandi? What are you doing here?
Kandi: I thought I'd surprise you with a booty call.
Alan: -Lower your voice.
Kandi:-Booty call.
Jake: What's a booty call?
Charlie: Well, it's. You know, this is more the kind of thing a son should learn from his father.
Jake: Oh, okay.
Charlie: Maybe you should ask him now.
Jake: All right.
Jake: Hey, Dad, what's a booty call?
Jake: So, what's a booty call?
Chatlie: I figured you didn't want me telling him. Was I wrong?
Alan: Well, Jake, it means that Kandi came by to do her laundry.
Alan: Well, you see, Jake in the Old West cowboys could be out on the dusty range for months at a time.
And they'd get mighty dirty. So they'd-- They'd mosey into town with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
And they'd need to wash them. So, what they'd do is they would go down to the creek and strip down until they were wearing nothing but their boots.
Charlie: Why'd they keep their boots on?
Alan: Rattlesnakes. Anyway, in order to warn people who were swimming that, you know, the naked cowboy was on his way he would yell, or, if you will, call: "Booty. Booty. " Ergo, the booty call.
Kandi: Alan, you really make history fun.
Alan: Well, thank you.
Kandi: So when did it start meaning "casual sex"?

Moim zdaniem bardzo dobry przykład, nie pamietam jak tłumacz Comedy Central wybrnął z Booty vs. Boots :D

ocenił(a) serial na 8


ocenił(a) serial na 7

O, nie spodziewałem się że ktoś jeszcze tu się odezwie. Ogromne dzięki!

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Znalazłam Ci jeszcze jeden dobry tekst (dotyczący tzw. aspektów historyczno-kulturowych) nie wiem, jak było to tłumaczone, ale Polacy nie odbiorą tego tak jak Amerykanie. Chodzi o odcinek 11 sezon 5 "Meander to your Dander". Alan radzi się Charliego, jak najlepiej i najmniej bezkrwawo rozstać się z kobietą. Cytat poniżej:
You clear on everything I told you?
Yes, yes, I'm gonna go to her house, pick her up, take her to the restaurant--
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Pick her up? You're supposed to meet her there.
What do you mean, "why"? You're gonna break up with her and then drive her home? You'll need the Jaws of Life to get her out of your car.
You didn't say anything about that.
It's common sense. You know why Custer and Sitting Bull didn't share a pony to Little Big Horn? Because they knew there were gonna be some hurt feelings and the ride home would be awkward!"


ocenił(a) serial na 10

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