PILINHA: {__webCacheId=filmBasicInfo_pl_PL, __webCacheKey=490167}

East of Eden

E-den-eui Dong-jjok
8,0 47
8,0 10 1 47
E-den-eui Dong-jjok
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Główny wątek jest interesujący, lecz 56 odcinków to za dużo. Jakby skrócić tę dramę do 20 odcinków i powycinać nudne sceny, to wyszedłby znakomity serial.

moge obejrzeć tą dramę z napisami ang a jeśli są to pl?

The drama will be about two men whose fates are crossed from the very first day that they were born. Both men were born in the same hospital. When he was a teenager, Lee Dong Chul witnessed the death of his father. From then on he promised to seek revenge on the man who caused his father’s death, Shin Tae Hwan. But...

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