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jeśli twoje dziecko najbardziej na świecie kocha filmy, a ty najbardziej na świecie kochasz swoje dziecko, to kup mu cinema speculation - w świątyni, rozdział 09:

If a film version of Hair would have been attempted at that time, Brian De Palma would have been a leading contender to direct it. That’s how strong his hippie bona fides were (in fact, his split-screen filming of the Performance Group’s Dionysus in ’69 could have been his preparation for Hair). (..) During his New York New Wave years, De Palma would film entirely in split-screen, a strange happening of its time, the Living Theatre’s production of Euripides’ The Bacchae, titled Dionysus in ’69, which no doubt influenced one his greatest achievements, the Be Black Baby sequence in Hi, Mom!.

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