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Handle with Care
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ocenił(a) film na 7

jeśli twoje dziecko najbardziej na świecie kocha filmy, a ty najbardziej na świecie kochasz swoje dziecko, to kup mu cinema speculation - w świątyni, rozdział 07:

When Jonathan Demme finally made his first film out from under the wing of Roger Corman, Citizens Band for Paramount Studios, Thomas praised the production, writing, “Most gratifying of all, the film marks the graduation of Demme, one of the most talented young directors in Hollywood from the ranks of exploitation after a substantial apprenticeship with Roger Corman that yielded that witty exploitation classic, Caged Heat.” If Kevin Thomas were female it would be easy to make a case that his seemingly permanent position as second-string critic at the LA Times was a form of misogyny. But in Thomas’ case, I think his editors knew no one in the business could cover his beat half as well as he did.

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