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Supermarket Sweep
powrót do forum filmu Supermarket Sweep

jestem fanem D.A. ale nie mogę znaleźć tego filmu może dlatego ż eto jego dyplomówka. A ma ktoś może protoze??


Widze ze nie jestem sam:) Tez bym z checia zobaczyl. Tylko nie ma gdzie.


Cytuje ziomy :

"The film is NOT available anywhere, although here's what Sean Gullette has said about the film:

A Cadillac-driving suburban sociopath (Gullette) (1) takes a couch-potato-TV-junky (Peter Pappas) on a fast, deadly trip to "the other side of the glass;" (2) kills a jogger and his dog; and (3) gets his ass kicked by a sexy ATM cardholder (Maya Nadkarni) before (4) being bludgeoned to death by his pupil with a bottle of Wesson oil and proceeding straight to hell.
Here's what he says about the potential to release it: [it] was screened a few times in 1991, nominated for a Student Academy Award, whatever that was, and has never been released commercially--nor should it be. You had to be there.



<za krótki><za krótki><za krótki>




Walkiewicz w wywiadzie z Aronofskym mówi mu, że widział trzy jego etiudy (w tym "Supermarket...") na Youtube, więc polecam tam zajrzeć.


zaglądam i nie widzę? chyba, że chodzi o ten filmik, który liczy sobie 20:47, choć nie wydaje mi się...

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