Four months after the shoot-out in West Virginia, Del has returned to the Pittsburgh P.D. while the folks in Buell try to get their lives back on track. Del and his new work partner Angela, are assigned a high-profile bombing case that proves to be ... quite complex. Del finds himself back in the folds of The Brotherhood and he struggles to find the balance between his life in Pittsburgh and his life/ relationship with Grace back in Buell. Billy accepts a settlement for his injuries from his time in prison and he decides to try to move forward with his life. Billy uses the money from the settlement to buy Grace the property they lived on. Grace uses this land to give herself new economic/ work opportunities. Meanwhile, Billy and Lee try to figure out their relationship with each other as they navigate their own futures. Lee has taken a job working as a paralegal at a law firm in Pittsburgh. Billy decides to move in with Isaac and Lee and Isaac helps Billy get back into shape. Isaac has decided to make a life for himself in Buell and is working for Landwill Energy. Isaac has fully embraced his sexuality and pursues new romantic situations. Virgil is still up to his old ways but finds a way to get money from Grace so he can pursue a new business opportunity. Steve Park has taken over for Del as the Chief of Police in Buell and is determined to take Del down and prove his connection to the crimes that happened in West Virginia. The town of Buell is rocked by more murders that creates chaos in the lives of all of its residents.

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