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The Partridge Family
powrót do forum serialu The Partridge Family

W my best friend birthday...

użytkownik usunięty

...postać grana przez Q.Tarantino mówi coś takiego: "I remember when I was three years old.
There was this one particular day. I felt really depressed. For no reason what-so-ever. I had no
idea why, but I was feelin' low. I even thought of suicide. I was gonna get in the bathtub and slit
my wrists with a razor blade. I was actually gonna do it. Now for a three year old to be thinkin'
like this, you gotta be feelin' pretty bad. The only reason I didn't do it was "The Partridge Family"
was about ready to come on, and I wanted to see it. So, I thought I'd watch that, and do it after
the show was over. But "The Partridge Family" was really funny that night and after the show I
was feelin' better. So, I didn't do it. What were we talkin' about?"
Taka ciekawostka. Muszę kiedyś zobaczyć choć jeden odcinek.

świetny jest ten cytat :D

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