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"They choke me strongly. Mengele from my country and the USA did not come up with anything new, they only developed "Arbeit macht frei" there they worked to exhaust people, it is the same here, they wake me up at night for months, suffocate me during work and they paralyze the solar plexus.

If so, the story ends well, SOMEONE will press Mengele to the ground with tons of weight and ask, Whay are you behind 4 years of torture? What "science", what reason? What's the point? How's the goal? etc
And Mengele will tell the truth.

In case of problems, criminals count on relief/succor , relief/succor will not come."


"They do the same again. I don't think it makes sense to shoot the mental Nazis with words."


There are many wonderful people in the USA, but I got to know this country mainly from a different angle.
I don't want to get to know the this country, I don't want to go there, I don't want to know them.
This superpower can do it without me, and if not let them live their own life and I will live my life.
They've had a huge problem for years, now it's a problem for the rest of the world.Again, they will consider slavery to be the solution to their problems, and they believe that fascism will help them.


Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

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