PILINHA: {__webCacheId=filmBasicInfo_pl_PL, __webCacheKey=10002349}

Więcej niż zasługuję

Yoter Mema Shemagia Li
7,3 7
7,3 10 1 7
Więcej niż zasługuję
powrót do forum filmu Więcej niż zasługuję

'Pinchas (12) and his mother Tamara (39) are new immigrants from Russia. Pinchas spends most of his time alone, while Tamara works hard to put food on the table. Pinhas learns that his classmates are preparing for their Bar Mitzvah ceremonies. He follows his religious neighbor, Shimon Amazaleg (36) and asks for his help to prepare for his Bar Mitzvah. Shimon, who still lives with his parents, is a religious bachelor, waiting to meet the right girl. The two form a strong bond, and Shimon treats Pinhas as he would be his own son. Despite her initial disapproval of his religious influence, Tamara gradually falls in love with Shimon. Pinhas learns to accept his mother's need for love and blends into the familial atmosphere. Things get complicated when Shimon's Rabbi pressures him to marry a woman from their community. Pinchas refuses to accept Shimon's departure, blames his mother and seeks revenge.'
Ps. spróbujcie to na FW znaleźć pod polskim tytułem 'Więcej niż zasługuję'. Nawet Ujek gugel ma problemy (może jak ten wpis zindeksuje, będzie lepiej). Dziękujemy, filmwebie! Ale czemu się dziwić, jak muszę sie z imdb dowiadywać, że np. Smarzowski zrobił trzy(!) teatry telewizji, bo FW woli zamiast tego teledyski, reklamówki i reality show opisywać (a próby dodania teatru kończą się źle).

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