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Zero Dark Thirty
7,1 69 429
7,1 10 1 69429
7,2 30
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The USA is a superpower that can handle the responsibility of putting the whole world at risk.(mayby)

The problem is their mentality and corruption, you cannot fight terrorism with your left hand, and at the same time create terrorism with your right hand.

Perhaps they consider themselves superhumans or gods?It's more like a devil's doing.There is no supervision and law over the stupid services in this country?It would be good if SOMEONE increased the power(force) of the leaders of this country so that they could better control the actions of people who are not currently controlled by anyone.And for balance, the power(force) of the leaders of China and other countries.

ocenił(a) film na 5

W którym momencie i kto to mówi ? Jestem właśnie po seansie (nie ukrywam, że bardzo znudzony i rozczarowany, bo widziałem kilka filmów pani reżyser i oceniłem je wysoko).

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