Jerycho (2006-2008)
Jerycho: Sezon 2 Jerycho Sezon 2, Odcinek 6
Odcinek Jerycho (2006-2008)


7,9 171
7,9 10 1 171

Following the Rangers' decision to take justice into their own hands, Major Beck goes to extreme measures to prove he's in complete control of the town, while Hawkins receives a call from Chavez telling him that it's time to transport the bomb.

źródło platforma vod

Skeet Ulrich

Jake Green

Lennie James

Robert Hawkins

Ashley Scott

Emily Sullivan

Kenneth Mitchell

Eric Green

Brad Beyer

Stanley Richmond

Alicia Coppola

Mimi Clark

Clare Carey

Mary Bailey
CBS Paramount Network Television / Junction Entertainment
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