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Człowiek z księżyca

Man on the Moon
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ocenił(a) film na 9

Jakieś propozycje co do interpretacji końcówki? O co chodzi z tym Toni Cliftonem? Myślałem że to Bob, ale w grę wchodzi inne rozwiązanie.

ocenił(a) film na 8

myślę że pogrzeb był zaaranżowany :)

ocenił(a) film na 8

The 1999 Jim Carrey film Man on the Moon leaves the question open-ended. "Tony Clifton" performed a year after Kaufman's death at The Comedy Store benefit in Kaufman's honor, with members of his entourage in attendance. Bob Zmuda has acknowledged "death hoax" rumors over the years quite tongue-in-cheek, admitting that Kaufman and he had discussed faking his death at times and that he seemed "obsessed with the idea", but he maintains the opinion that Kaufman truly did die and his death was not faked. Bob Zmuda claims he does not think he would be cruel enough to go this long without making contact with his family if he was still alive. His official website states that his death was not a hoax and he did die.

Streszczając Zmuda utrzymuje, że śmierć Kaufmana była prawdziwa i nie miałby serca aranżować taką rzecz.

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