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Kurt Cobain o synu

Kurt Cobain About a Son
7,5 1 460
7,5 10 1 1460
4,0 3
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Kurt Cobain o synu
powrót do forum filmu Kurt Cobain o synu

Jeśli miałbym zgadywać, to wiązałbym to z tytułami utworów About a Girl i Been a Son, ale nie mam pojęcia skąd akurat takie połączenie.


"I just got done watching this at the Seattle International Film Festival and afterwards, AJ Schnack did a little Q&A explaining the meaning of the title. About a Son is more then just about Cobain being a son to his parents, but could be used to describe him as a son to Aberdeen, a son of Washington, a son of America and a son of the time period in which he grew up. I'm still not really sure if it's the greatest title but that's how he explained it."

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