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powrót do forum serialu Sherlock

Jeśli komuś się nudzi i lubi sobie poczytac po 'angielskiemu', to po sieci od czasu emisji "the final problem" krąży teoria, że to jeszcze nie koniec sezonu, a BBC ONE 22 stycznia wymituje 4 odcinek 4 sezonu Sherlocka. Jest to albo ciekawe zjawisko socjologiczne ;), pokazujace jak bardzo fani wypierają zakończenie serii, albo moze jest w tym ziarno prawdy (bardzo bym tego chciała biorąc pod uwagę spadek formy w ostatnim odcinku, ale jest to chyba jednak malo prawdopodobne). W kazdym razie teoria jest ciekawa. Przeklejam kilka glownych dowodow na tę teorie z tego źródła: www.reddit.com/r/Sherlock/comments/5orufn/clues_about_a_fourth_hidden_sherlock_e pisode/


Przeklejam kilka wypowiedzi z linku powyzej, just for fun ;)

- 4 odcinek miałby pojawić sie na antenie BBC 22 stycznia, czyli 22.01 (jak adres 221 Baker Street). Na razie w programie BBC widnieje w tym czasie "A new 5-episode series called Apple Tree Yard will take the Sherlock slot this Sunday on BBC"

- na amazon DVD 4tego sezonu dostepne bedzie dopiero od 23 stycznia - dopiero dzien po 22.01. Moze sezon rzeczywiscie jeszcze sie nie sonczyl? Moze sekretny odcinek ma lepiej sprzedac dvd.

- BBC podalo wczesniej, ze serial Apple Tree Yard mial miec 4 odcinki (teraz ma 5) i ze pierwszy jego odcinek bedzie w lutym: Apple Tree Yard is listed on iMDB as having 5 episodes, yet when you go into further detail, it says there's four episodes. Perhaps the first episode is in fact the final Sherlock episode and the real Apple Tree Yard starts on the 29th?

- "People always give up after three"

- Writer Steven Moffat was asked about the fourth hidden episode in a recent interview in which he responded "It dosen't reflect the fact that there's going to a fourth episode - for heaven's sake, what kind of secrets do you think we're keeping? Let's go home and check. Oh look episode four... the lost special..." The Lost Special is a short story written by Sherlock Holmes creator Arthur Conan Doyle several years after "The Final Problem" which is widely known as a Sherlock story even though the main characters name is never revealed.

- There was a big apple tree on John Watsons wallpaper in his baby's room. Arwel Wyn Jones, who is the production designer of Sherlock, has said "It's all about the wallpaper" ()

- We have been promised a "rug pull" and something that's "never been done before" by both the creators and actors.

- TFP reportedly took 2 weeks longer to shoot than a normal episode.

- Several scenes that were reported during Setlock and talked about during interviews are nowhere to be found in the three episodes we've seen.

- Where are all the S4 post-mortem interviews? Are the cast and showrunners hiding in a bunker somewhere? Or is it because S4 isn't over?

- I remember last time when the season was over I watched a couple of super long interviews with the whole cast. Tons of articles and so on. Right now, there's only that shitty Moffat interview going around and a couple of videos they are publishing on the channel. What is it with this complete absence of promotion?

- TimeWarner, Moviefone and other services list a fourth episode on January 22 (So did a Korean TV station, but upon further inspection it was a rerun, so it may be the same for other places. Also some of these places use user-submitted data.)

- The cast and crew have referred to this season as "the best one [they] have done", "groundbreaking television", "insane wish-fulfillment", "historical", and, well, that hardly describes this series, does it? A surprise hidden episode would certainly fit the bill, though.


- during the July interview there was a question about a third Holmes brother (referring to Sherrinford) and they joked and said, "No, but there is a fourth!"

- And after TLD aired there was a question asked to them about a hidden fourth episode and again there was that joke about the Lost Special.

- TWC's website shows a fourth episode in Season 4. The episode has no name or description, just Sherlock Season 4 Episode 4.
Up until yesterday morning, Yahoo listed four episodes in Season 4 (Not including TAB, which is listed separately)

- The Radio Times article which appeared and disappeared between eps 2 and 3 (and returned again today) mentioned fan theories about a possible extra episode. There were no theories (at least not that I saw) about a fourth episode until after the article had come out - in fact, the secret fourth episode only became popular after the leaked Russian episode came out.

- The production company that made Apple Tree Yard said the show was premiering in February, but the tweet was deleted only hours later.

- imgur.com/a/OvnvE

- multiple channels that've previously shown Sherlock are now having reruns or blank spots on their guides and there is no answer for it.

- that would explain the whole 'this would be television history' thing Amanda Abbington was talking about in [this interview][https://youtu.be/ISy0JbMOJh8?t=1m14s]. Because I did not see anything that would be considered 'television history' in the three episodes.
("i think the most important thing she said was "if we pull this off". what could they possibly have been trying to pull off in what we've seen so far? euros playing 3 other people and then revealing herself at the end of the same episode isn't really pulling anything off. but keeping a sherlock episode a secret? yeah, i'd say if they managed to pull that off, it would be spectacular")

- TFP doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to make sense due to it being a freaking dream by a drugged up John who just got shot by a woman claiming to be Sherlock's sister and who got the Faith letter from 'a mutual friend' ala Moriarty. The bondesque/saw ripoff is because this is John's soldier mind trying to find information out and resolving it in a happy ending with the Holmes family making peace and life getting back to normal in 221B.

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Teorię składam raczej na karb szoku fanów, a szczególnie fanów johnlocka i tjlc, którzy spodziewali się przełomowych wydarzeń w relacji dwójki głównych bohaterów i bardzo się zawiedli. Pozostała część fanów jest w ogólnym szoku po obejrzeniu sezonu :) no, może ci od sherlolly świętują- w końcu to Molly jest tą osobą, którą Sherlock pocałował (Janine się nie liczy) i której wyznał miłość. W ogóle bardzo hetero się nagle zrobił ;) Po wycieku finałowego odc mówiono, że to fake. Teoria z ukrytym odcinkiem ma taki sam stopień prawdopodobieństwa. To wyraz fanowskiej rozpaczy i niedowierzania.


Pewnie tak wlasnie jest, niestety, bo kazdy by chcial jeszcze jeden odcinek :)

Ale jak ktos napisal : nawet jesli nie ma sekretnego odcinka, to i tak bede wierzyc ze The Last Problem to tylko wizja postrzelonego i rannego Watsona ;)

ocenił(a) serial na 9

postrzelony to tam byl jeden z drugim, ale nie Watson, Zastanawiam sie czy aktor swoim zwyczajem kla na planie i wiecej gdy usiwadamial sobie co jest w scenariuszu i co im obu przyjdzie grac. I kiedy zerwa z maniera mowienia naokolo, ze wyszlo swietnie, a powiedza wprost, przepraszamy za to i to bylo s....
Moze jacys fani nakreca wlasna wersje ostatniego odcinka :)
Mam wrazenie, ze te smaczki rozne, ktore wyciagnelas, to nawet w glowie im nie postaly, ze tam sa, a fani sie dopatrzyli.

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Przecież on nie pocałował Molly. To się działo w głowie Andersona. A co do wyznania miłości- ona to wymusiła. Ludzie shippujacy Sherlolly w ogóle nie powinni się cieszyć, bo twórcy zrobili z Molly idiotkę.

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Od początku była kreowana dość ciapowato. Jedni ją za to lubili, innych drażniła. Wyznanie pewnie ze wymuszone. Molly jest ważna dla Sherlocka, jako przyjaciółka i tyle. Przynajmniej wg mnie.

ocenił(a) serial na 10

No to mamy chyba podobne zdanie.

ocenił(a) serial na 6



No nie ma, sezon 4 pozostał więc "shit-em" używając terminologii twórców

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