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Mroczny Rycerz

The Dark Knight
8,0 522 183
8,0 10 1 522183
8,0 51
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Mroczny Rycerz
powrót do forum filmu Mroczny Rycerz

Zakładam temat, bo nie wiem do końca ( nie potrafiłem znaleźć ), czy już podobny powstał. Proponuje, aby każdy w tym temacie podał przynajmniej jeden cytat z TDK. Najlepszą kwestię... W Filmie ciekawych wypowiedzi nie brakowało, tak więc ja zacznę:

"Why So Serious?"

ocenił(a) film na 10

oj sorki nawet nie zuważyłem posta Pana Fvj :P

ocenił(a) film na 9

wg mnie najlepszy cytat to:


Po tym jak Batman wbija swoim pojazdem śmieciarkę w sufit.
Ta scena i ten tekst rozbiły mnie na atomy :)

ocenił(a) film na 10

też to pamiętam :p
dobra scena

ocenił(a) film na 10

Krótka odpowiedź jokera na pytanie mafioza:
-Sądzisz że możesz tak po prostu nas okraść?
Niby nic takiego ale to mnie zabiło xD

użytkownik usunięty

Bruce wjeżdża do samochodu komisarza:
- Zrobił pan coś bardzo szlachetnego, panie Wayne.

użytkownik usunięty

kurcze... nie wiem czemu m wsoczyło dodaj, już kończę ten cytat:D

- Zrobił pan coś bardzo szlachetnego, panie Wayne

użytkownik usunięty

dlaczego jak naciskam enter to dodaję mi do tematu wiadomość zamiast cholera zrobić odstęp?! - Zrobił pan... - Co? Przejechałem na czerwonym świetle?


Najlepsze cytaty? Chyba każda kwestia Jokera. Ludzie czepiają się błędów tego filmu, chrypki, ale ja go kocham własnie za teksty ; )

Nie zauważyłam chyba tekstu:

"Let's put a smile on that face!" -- > zresztą ta scena jest chyba moją ulubioną ;)

Sooo... Why so serious? ; )

ocenił(a) film na 10

Dent: You're lucky man <rzuca monetą> But he's not.
Maroni: Who?
Dent: <zapina pasy> Your driver.

Wuertz: I'm sorry, Dent, I swear... I didn't know what they're gonna do to you!
Dent: Huh, that's funny <rzuca monetą> I don't know what's gonna happen to you either.

Facet w kostiumie: Who gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me?
Batman: I'm not wearing hockey breasts.

Batman: I want the Joker.
Maroni: Between us, professionals... if you wanna intimidate me, pick a better spot. Fall from here... wouldn't kill me.
Batman: That's what I'm counting on. <zrzuca go z trzeciego piętra>

Joker: <dostaje od Batmana w łeb> Never start with the head! The victim gets all... fuzzy! Won't... <dostaje po łapie> ...see?

Joker: You know, what I noticed? That people stay calm, if everything is going according to plan. Even if the plan is horryfying. So when tomorrow I tell the press, that a mob boss will be killed, or a truck of soldiers will be blown up - nobody panicks. Because it's just a part of a plan. But when I say that one, little mayor, is going to die... then everybody loses their minds!

Joker: Ha, ha, ha. Ho, hi, ha, ha, ha. Ho, hi, ha, ha, ha. I thought my jokes were bad.
Gambol: Tell me one reason why I shouldn't tell my boys to blow your head?
Joker: How about a magic trick?

Joker: Oh, and by the way, that suit wasn't cheap. Don't you know, guys? You bought it.

Mob: You're crazy.
Joker: Nooo. No, I'm not.

Gambol: Enough from the clown!
Joker: Ah, ah, ah... <odsłania granaty pod marynarką> Let us not BLOW this out of proportion.
Gambol: You think you can just steal from us and walk away?
Joker: Yeah.

Gordon: Our boy looks great on TV.
Maroni: Are you gonna embarass me by my friends?
Gordon: Oh, don't worry. They're coming with us, too.

Rosjanin: They won't work for a freak.
Joker: "FRRREEAAK"? Why don't we cut you into pieces and feed them to the dogs? Let's see, how loyal a hungry dog really is!

Joker: It's not about the money, it's about the message. Everything burns.

Spiker: Who is it?
Joker: <gada przez komórkę> I had a vision of a world without Batman. The mob counted minimal profits, and the cops tried to lock them up one street by one. And it was sooo... boring. I have changed my mind! I don't wanna mr. Reese spoil everything, but... why should only I have fun? Let's give someone else a chance! If Coleman Reese isn't dead in sixty minutes, then I'll blow up a hospital.

Batman: Then why do you wan't to kill me?
Joker: <wybucha śmiechem> I... I don't want to kill you! Why? What would I do? Rob the mob banks again? Nooo... you... complete... me...
Batman: You're trash, you kill for money.
Joker: Don't speak like one of them, because you're not. Even if you'd like to. To them, you're just a freak. Like me. Right now, they call you, because they need you. But when they won't, they'll cast you away. Like a leper.

Bruce: <o nowym kostiumie> How's its resistance against dogs?
Fox: Are we talking about rottweilers, or chiuaua? Should be fine against cats.

Joker: Because madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.

Joker: <o rzekomej żonie> I wanted to see her smile again. I wanted to show her, that I don't care her scars. So I took a razor and did this <pokazuje blizny> to myself. And you know what? She can't stand a sight of me! She leaves... now I see, what the funny thing is! Now I'm always smiling!

Gordon: Bruce Wayne, isn't it? That was very brave thing you've done, sir.
Bruce: What? Trying to catch the light?
Gordon: Weren't you protecting the van?
Bruce: No, who's in it?

Bruce: Now, Alfred, you can say "didn't I tell you?"
Alfred: Today, master Wayne, I don't want to <długa pauza> But I did bloody tell you.

Bruce: Mind of a criminal isn't complicated, Alfred. We only need to find out, what he's about.
Alfred: With all due respect, master Wayne, perhaps you don't fully understand him, either. Long time ago, I was in Birma. Me and by friends were working for a local government. They tried to buy the loyalty of local leaders by precious stones. But their caravans were robbed by a bandit. So we started looking for him. For a half year, we found noone, who traded with him. One day, I saw a child playing with a ruby... size of tangerine. That bandit was throwing them away.
Bruce: So why was he stealing them?
Alfred: Oh, because he thought it's a nice sport. Because, master Wayne, some people do not need logic, nor money. They cannot be bought, or negotiated, or reasoned with. Sometimes all they wanna watch is the world to burn.

Joker: <do Rachel> A little fight there in you. I love that.
Batman: Then you're gonna love me.

użytkownik usunięty

moment rozmowy z jokera dentem/two facem w szpitalu...............


" He's hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian a watchful protector. A Dark Knight."

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