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Władca Pierścieni: Dwie wieże

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
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Władca Pierścieni: Dwie wieże
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Aragorn nie jest zachwycony nowym Hobbitem. Krytykuje rowniez to w jaki sposob byly krecone druga i trzecia czesc Wladcy Pierscieni. To by wiele wyjasnialo, dlaczego Viggo odmowil zagrania Aragorna w Hobbicie.

“It was very confusing, we were going at such a pace, and they had so many units shooting, it was really insane. But it’s true that the first script was better organized. … Also, Peter was always a geek in terms of technology but, once he had the means to do it, and the evolution of the technology really took off, he never looked back. In the first movie, yes, there’s Rivendell, and Mordor, but there’s sort of an organic quality to it, actors acting with each other, and real landscapes; it’s grittier. The second movie already started ballooning, for my taste, and then by the third one, there were a lot of special effects. It was grandiose, and all that, but whatever was subtle, in the first movie, gradually got lost in the second and third. Now with The Hobbit, one and two, it’s like that to the power of 10."

http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/05/18/viggo-mortensen-jabs-peter-jackson-cgi-and -the-hobbit

Viggo swój chłop.

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I ty nie jesteś trollem temat do kosza a strona beznadziejna oficjalny to jest blog Jacksona

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Zegnam rowniez :)

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