Crusader Kings II 2012
Poseidon: Zeus Official Expansion 2001
Anno 1602: Erschaffung einer neuen Welt 1998
Europa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne 2009
Emperor: Rise of The Middle Kingdom 2002
Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species 2005
Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania 2006
Anno 2070: Deep Ocean 2012
Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure 2006
Tropico 4: Modern Times 2012
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes 2000
Tropico 3: Absolute Power 2010
Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2013 2012
Anno 1701 - Der Fluch des Drachen 2007
Cities in Motion 2011